1. Wongsaijai B., Poochinapan K., Optimal decay rates of the dissipative shallow water waves modeled by coupling the Rosenau-RLW equation and the Rosenau-Burgers equation with power of nonlinearity, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 405, (2021),126202.
2. Chaiwino W., Manorot P., Poochinapan K., Mouktonglang T., Identifying the locations of atmospheric pollution point source by using a hybrid particle swarm optimization, Symmetry, 13, (2021),985.
3. Wongsaijai B., Charoensawan P., Chaobankoh T., Poochinapan K., Advance in compact structure-preserving manner to the Rosenau–Kawahara model of shallow-water wave, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44, (2021),7048-7064.
4. Nanta S., Yimnet S., Poochinapan K., Wongsaijai B., On the identification of nonlinear terms in the generalized Camassa-Holm equation involving dual-power law nonlinearities, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 160, (2021),386-421.
5. Suparatulatorn R., Charoensawan P., Poochinapan K., Dangskul S., An algorithm for the split feasible problem and image restoration, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas, 115, (2021),12.
6. Wongsaijai B., Sukantamala N., Poochinapan K., A mass-conservative higher-order ADI method for solving unsteady convection–diffusion equations, Advances in Difference Equations, 2020, (2020),513.
7. Wongsaijai B., Oonariya C., Poochinapan K., Compact structure-preserving algorithm with high accuracy extended to the improved Boussinesq equation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 178, (2020),125-150.
8. Chousurin R., Mouktonglang T., Wongsaijai B., Poochinapan K., Performance of compact and non-compact structure preserving algorithms to traveling wave solutions modeled by the Kawahara equation, Numerical Algorithms, 85, (2020),523-541.
9. Disyadej T., Kwanmuang S., Muneesawang P., Promjan J., Poochinapan K., Smart transmission line maintenance and inspection using mobile robots, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 5, (2020),493-500.
10. Tamang N., Wongsaijai B., Mouktonglang T., Poochinapan K., Novel algorithm based on modification of Galerkin finite element method to general Rosenau-RLW equation in (2 + 1)-dimensions, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 148, (2020),109-130.
11. Kerdboon J., Yimnet S., Wongsaijai B., Mouktonglang T., Poochinapan K., Convergence analysis of the higher-order global mass-preserving numerical method for the symmetric regularized long wave equation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, , (2020),1-36.
12. Suparatulatorn R., Charoensawan P., Poochinapan K., Inertial self-adaptive algorithm for solving split feasible problems with applications to image restoration, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42, (2019),7268-7284.
13. Wongsaijai B., Mouktonglang T., Sukantamala N., Poochinapan K., Compact structure-preserving approach to solitary wave in shallow water modeled by the Rosenau-RLW equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 340, (2019),84-100.
14. Yimnet S., Wongsaijai B., Rojsiraphisal T., Poochinapan K., Numerical implementation for solving the symmetric regularized long wave equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 273, (2016),809-825.