1.) Wattanapan J., Atiponrat W., Tasena S., Suksumran T., Extension of haar’s theorem, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 38, (2022),231-248.
2.) Wongsaijai B., Charoensawan P., Suebcharoen T., Atiponrat W., Common fixed point theorems for auxiliary functions with applications in fractional differential equation, Advances in Difference Equations, 2021, (2021),503.
3.) Wattanapan J., Atiponrat W., Suksumran T., Extension of the Švarc–Milnor lemma to gyrogroups, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas, 115, (2021),122.
4.) Wattanapan J., Atiponrat W., Suksumran T., Embedding of strongly topological gyrogroups in path-connected and locally path-connected gyrogroups, Symmetry, 12, (2020),1-23.
5.) Charoensawan P., Atiponrat W., Coincidence point theorems for BKC-contraction mappings in generalized metric spaces endowed with a directed graph, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 18, (2020),539-549.
6.) Wattanapan J., Atiponrat W., Suksumran T., Embedding of locally compact Hausdorff topological gyrogroups in topological groups, Topology and its Applications, 273, (2020),107102.
7.) Atiponrat W., Maungchang R., Complete regularity of paratopological gyrogroups, Topology and its Applications, 270, (2020),106951.
8.) Atiponrat W., Maungchang R., Continuous homomorphisms, the left-gyroaddition action and topological quotient gyrogroups, Quasigroups and Related Systems, 28, (2020),17-28.
9.) Atiponrat W., Dangskul S., Khemphet A., Coincidence point theorems for KC-contraction mappings in JS-metric spaces endowed with a directed graph, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 35, (2019),263-272.
10.) Atiponrat W., Topological gyrogroups: Generalization of topological groups, Topology and its Applications, 224, (2017),73-82.
11.) Chaoha P., Atiponrat W., Virtually stable maps and their fixed point sets, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 359, (2009),536-542.