206355 – Numerical methods
Classroom: SCB 4301
Class meeting: M Th at 11.00 am - 12.30 pm 
Semester: 1/2566 

Instructor: Nattapol Ploymaklam
Office: MB 2225
Email: nploymaklam at gmail dot com





Midterm Exam Date: Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 12.00 – 15.00
Location: MB2213-14

1. Numerical representation and error  (CLO1)

1.1 Error from approximations

1.2 Error from computer arithmetic

2. Solution of one variable equation (CLO2)

2.1 Method of halving interval

2.2 Newton-Raphson method

2.3 Secant method

2.4 Method of fixed point iterations

3. Numerical solution of systems of linear and nonlinear equations (CLO3-4)

3.1 Direct methods

3.2 Iterative methods

3.3 Solution of system of nonlinear equations


Final Exam Date: Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 8.00 – 11.00
Location: RB 5201

4. Interpolating polynomial and curve fitting (CLO5-6)

4.1 Interpolation

4.2 Existence, uniqueness and error

4.3 Polynomial Interpolation

4.4 Piecewise polynomial interpolation

4.5 Curve fitting by method of least-square

5. Numerical differentation and numerical integration (CLO7-8)

5.1 Finite difference approximation

5.2 Richardson extrapolation

5.3 Newton Cotes formula



Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

1. Students are able to find machine representation of a real number and compute different types of errors

2. Students are able to approximate the numerical solution of one variable equation

3. Students are able to approximate the numerical solution of systems of linear equations using direct methods and iterative methods

4. Students are able to approximate the numerical solution of nonlinear equations

5. Students are able to approximate the function using polynomial interpolation

6. Students are able to use least square method to find polynomial curve fitting

7. Students are able to find numerical differentiation and numerical integration

8. Students are able to approximate numerical solution of ordinary differential equations