206442 – Partial differential equations
Classroom: SCB 4301
Class meeting: Tue Fri at 9.30 am - 11.00 am
Semester: 2/2565
Instructor: Nattapol Ploymaklam
Office: MB 2225
Email: nattapol.p@cmu.ac.th
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Students are able to
1. classify types of PDEs
- linear and nonlinear
- quasilinear
- homogeneous and nonhomogeneous
- order of PDE
- types of second-order PDE
- canonical forms of second-order PDE
2. explain formulation of PDEs
transport equation
- heat equation (or diffusion equation)
- wave equation
Laplace and Poisson equation
3. find solutions of first order linear and nonlinear PDEs, and
special types of ODEs
- method of characteristics for linear and quasilinear
Cauchy problem (PDE)
Lagrange’s method (PDE)
- Charpit’s method (PDE)
- method of undetermined coefficients (PDE)
Fourier series
Sturm-Liouville equation (ODE)
- special functions (ODE)
4. find solutions of second-order PDEs
- method of separable of variables
- second-order PDEs in other coordinates and higher dimensions
5. find numerical solutions of 1-D PDEs
- finite difference method (FDM)
(weak formulation and FEM, if time permits)
Midterm Exam
Date: Sunday, January 29th, 2023 at 12.00 –
15.00 PM
Location: TBA
Final Exam
Date: Thursday, March 30th, 2023 at 15.30 –
18.30 PM
Location: TBA