Section: 5 (English section)
Classroom: RB 3310
Class meeting: M Th at 1.00 - 2.30 PM
Semester: 2/2558 

Instructor: Dr. Nattapol Ploymaklam
Office: MB 2225
Office Hours: M Th 9.30-11.00 am, or by appointment


Facebook (for all sections)



Midterm Exam (50%) Sunday, March 6, 2016 from 3:30 to 6:30 PM
Location: RB 5105

1.       Integration

          1.1 Differentials and applications in business

          1.2 Indefinite integrals

          1.3 Indefinite integration formulas

          1.4 Techniques of integration

                   - Integration by parts

                   - Integration of trigonometric functions

                   - Integration of rational functions                                 

2.       Definite integrals and applications

          2.1 Definition of definite integral

          2.2 The fundamental theorem of calculus

          2.3 Area between curves

          2.4 Improper integrals                                                            

3.       Partial derivatives                 

          3.1 Functions of several variables                                          

          3.2 Geometric interpretations of functions of two variables

          3.3 Partial derivatives of functions of two variables

          3.4 Higher derivatives

          3.5 Partial derivatives of functions of several variables in economics

          3.6 Total derivatives

          3.7 Derivatives of composite functions                                                     

          3.8 Maximum and minimum values of functions of two variables in economics

3.9 Lagrange multiplier                    



Final Exam (50%) Friday, May 6, 2016 from 8:00 to 11:00 AM
Location: TBA

4.       Differential equations of first order

          4.1 General solutions and particular solutions

          4.2 Separable equations

          4.3 Homogeneous equations

          4.4 Linear equations

          4.5 Exact equations

          4.6 Applications to economics                                     

5.       Differential equations of second order

          5.1 Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients

          5.2 Nonhomogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients              

6.       Difference equations

          6.1 Definition of difference equations

          6.2 Solving of linear difference equations of order m

          6.3 Solving of nonhomogeneous linear second order difference equations

                with constant coefficients

          6.4 Applications