Math 362 – Applied Differential Equations for Engineering
Section: 701 (International section)
Classroom: SCB 4304
Class meeting: Tu F at 1-2.30 pm 
Semester: 2/2557 

Instructor: Dr. Nattapol Ploymaklam
Office: MB 2225
Office Hours: Tu F 9.30-11.00 am, or by appointment



Facebook (for Thai sections)


Midterm Exam March 6, 2015 from 8:00 to 11:00 am
Location: RB3401

1. Second and higher order ordinary differential equations
2. Series solution method


Final Exam May 10, 2015 from 8:00 to 11:00 am
Location: RB3305

3. System of first order linear and nonlinear differential equations
4. Laplace transforms and applications
5. Partial differential equations


Lecture notes

Miscellaneous  (e.g. homework solution, etc.)